Today I released Artifact-1.0.2 after finally getting my ass around to create a close to fully automated build script for Mac OS X (a topic for another blog post). The full changelog is listed below, but I instead recommend you go get it and try it!

- Added full screen and resolution management in game.
- Removed splash screen.
- Adjusted difficulties and added new names (Apprentice, Journeyman, Master).
- Added additional fire button, allowing better control using a touch-pad.
- Redesigned second orb with additional graphics and new behavior.
More in detail:
- The splash screen in Artifact was unnecessary and the only issue keeping me from removing it was having in-game window and resolution management.
- See above.
- The Normal and Hard game difficulties were hardly different in version 1.0.0, while the Not sane difficulty was extremely hard. Now the Apprentice difficulty is much easier then the old Normal, Journeyman is similar to the old Normal, while Master is slightly easier then the old Not Sane difficulty. The change was mainly done to make the initial difficulty easier for new players.
- On a touch-pad moving the mouse and clicking might interfere with each other, so I added an alternate fire welder button for those who might prefer that.
- The Second orb was very hard to predict and its mechanic felt wrong. The new version is cooler , and most of the time way easier to predict. It also has a slight comeback factor, which is nice in this cutthroat game.